How to change the Division of an asset

How to Check Assets out to an employee 

There are two ways to change the Division of an asset. This can be done asset by asset or in bulk 🥳

Option 1: Individually (the asset by asset method):

Once an asset is activated, Navigate to the active Asset Register (you can do this anytime by clicking the left hand Asset Register menu button)

Step 1: click into the selected asset (this brings you to the focus view of an asset)

Step 2: click "Edit" from the top navigation bar (this does not appear if the asset is not activated)

Step 3: select the Division from the dropdown menu to allocate the asset to

Step 4. scroll down the page and select Save and Close

Option 2: Multiple assets (Bulk update Division) 

This is the best option if you have a large number of assets to assign / reassign to a Division.

Navigate to the Active Asset Register (you can do this anytime by clicking the left hand Asset Register menu button)

Step 1: Click the checkbox on the left of each of the asset(s) you would like to select, then

Step 2: Click the  "Edit Selected Assets" button.  

Step 3: On the pop up modal select the Division dropdown menu to choose a new Division to assign the asset to.

Step 4: Click "Confirm"

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