Depreciation journals for newly activated asset records

You've activated new asset records with a depreciation start date that is prior to the last month end that and you would like to have journals created for, how can this be done?

No worries, the "Out of Cycle Journal Post" red button is designed just for that.  : )

For example, let's imagine it's currently February, and you have asset records to enter into Asset.Guru with January depreciation start dates. 

Enter the assets with their January depreciation start date, then press the red 'Out of Cycle Journal Post' button located in the Admin - accounting rules section. 

And even though it is currently February, it will create the January depreciation journals for the newly added assets.  (It won't create duplicate journals for the assets that have already journaled.)

Let's continue with this example and the current date is still in February, and there are assets that you want to enter into Asset.Guru from way back in November with November depreciation start dates. 

When entering these assets in February, and then pressing the 'Out of Cycle Journal Post' button, Asset.Guru will create a "catch-up" depreciation journal for November, December, and January and post it as a January depreciation journal.  

Go to the Admin cogwheel in the lower left corner of the navigation bar:

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