How to bulk upload assets to the register
The Asset.Guru bulk uploader is a great way to get your assets into the register when you're just getting started, or when you have a lot to put in at one time.
Either way, the process can be summarised into the following steps:
- Download the most recent Asset.Guru .csv upload template file
- Prepare and transpose your asset data to the upload file
- Upload the file
- Review the assets to finish the import
- Download the most recent Asset.Guru .csv template file:
- go to the Asset Register and select the green "Bulk Asset Upload" button
- Prepare your data and then copy and paste into the .csv template
Important Tips:
Preparation and transpose tips:
- To simplify and confirm dates from your locale, the date format required for the .csv is very specific. Confirm your dates are in the format DD MMM YYYY to ensure the assets get uploaded correctly.
- Required columns: Asset Name, Asset Type, Country Code, Purchase Price, Purchase Date
- Please refer to the related articles for more upload option details
- When saving the template - it should be saved in its original .CSV format. (Asset.Guru is pretty clever, but other formats can make it feel like it's trying to read a foreign language 😉)
- Select the "Ready to upload"
- Then Drag & Drop or simply click the screen to choose your .csv upload file
- Review the assets to finish the import
Remember you can edit any mistakes on the screen! YAY!
- Click Finish Import
You have completed your bulk asset upload!
All of your assets are now in the Draft Assets list ready for final review and activation.