What reports can I run in Asset.Guru?

Asset.Guru provides standard users with formatted reports along with the ability to export the entire register.  

Reports included:

  1. Additions and Disposals Report - assets are included by Purchase Date and/or Disposal/Sale date.  

  1. Capital Expenditure Report - assets are included by the Replacement Date

  1. Checked Out Assets Report - this report is available to organisations with Starter Edition and above.  

  1. Depreciation Report (exportable and also available in PDF) - assets are included that have Depreciation Start Dates in the reported date range

  1. Depreciation Summary Report - summarised depreciation by Asset Type.

  1. Journal Report - assets are included that have had journals created in the reported date range.

✅ All reports are exportable to Excel. Simply look for the export icon in the upper right hand of the report.

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