My depreciation journals haven’t posted. What can I do?

If you’ve noticed that your monthly depreciation journals, or an asset adjustment (for example, a sale or revaluation) hasn’t posted, you can push these journals through using the following steps:

  1. Run the Journal Report for the date range in question; the month of depreciation or the date of the asset adjustment.
  2. This will show the status of the journals and if there are any that didn't post with an error status.
  3. When there are errored journals, a red 'Retry posting errored journals' button will display. Select this button for Asset.Guru to attempt again to post the journals.

  1. Refresh the Journal Report to see whether the journal has been successful.

The common reasons and solutions for journals not posting are the following:

Asset.Guru was connected to your accounting package with a user that no longer has permissions to create manual journals in your selected accounting software. Likely as a result of the user having left your organisation or the user's permissions have changed.

  • Refresh Connection with a user can create manual journals.

Your accounting package has been disconnected from Asset.Guru.

  • Reconnect your accounting software.

The Asset Type of the errored journal is mapped to an account that has been edited (renamed/numbered) in your accounting software or no longer exists. 

  • Review the Asset Types to confirm they are mapped to the correct accounts.  

API limits in your connected accounting package were reached during the minute that Asset.Guru was attempting to post the Journals.

  • Press the "Retry posting failed journals".

The journal is attempting to post to a locked accounting period.

  • Unlock the accounting period and press the "Retry posting failed journals"

If there are still errors, reach out to our support team to log a ticket and we can help figure it out.

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